25/03 Gwenne's Update
Good Morning and hope everyone is well!
Looking forward to getting back to the shop and seeing everyone and actually super excited. Bring on the dresses
It has been absolutely mobbed since last week and I have genuinely not stopped hence Facebook at 6am. So yes everyone ...no more complaints of being bored.
Edinburgh alone has booked over 80 appointments for new clients. We have also begun booking fitting appointments and in Edinburgh I have finished up to 29/05 weddings. We can only book the next date when everyone has replied so please check your emails regularly. It is not a quick process and it took me three hours to schedule my first batch of appointments on Tuesday so bear with us. Stephy is starting from 15/5 today for Broxburn.
Dress collection appointments -for those who have been emailed to say their dresses are in the shop -are next on my list.
Gwenne Broxburn has a new supplier coming on board and Stephy will tell you more about our supplier this week. Edinburgh has a new supplier too... we will finalise that this week and share our news. Both suppliers are new to Scotland and we are so excited as they both offer the shops something new and fresh! And you all thought we were at home drinking coffee and baking cakes... well I suppose that is true too
Anyway we hope you all have a good day and if you need us the emails are below:
Gwenne Broxburn. Brides@gwenne.co.uk Gwenne Edinburgh edinburgh@gwenne.co.uk

Take care everyone Gwenne x #gwenne #gwenneedinburgh #gwennebroxburn #gwennebride #gwenneweddings #bride #bridetobe