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10 years of #Gwenne in Edinburgh

So 10 years ago we opened #GwenneEdinburgh and what a fabulous 10 years it’s been.

I genuinely could not be more pleased with how the ‘wee’ shop has performed and grown! It’s been a wee cracker and such a nice place to work.

I want to say a really big thank you to everyone who has supported our Liberton shop and established it as one of the best in the country over the last 10 years and that includes all my fabulous suppliers.A special mention to @romanticacollections who came to open our shop 💜

As many of you know it’s been a tough year for me personally losing my mum but I have gotten on with my job and focussed on being the best at what I do in the busiest year ever! Every client this year has reaffirmed why I love what I do. This year I have had an amazing bunch of folk through the door and I know I have only started my hugs recently but so

many of you deserve a virtual hug for the smiles, fun and joy you have brought to #GwenneEdinburgh this year…& honestly I always get asked…I genuinely don’t get bridezillas here!🤣❤

As we move into year 11 we will have changes to come but one thing I will say- is that as long as I continue to love what I do then I will keep going….although maybe less hours!❤

A personal thanks also to Scott, Steph, Bri, Aggie and Olivia who have all been a great help to me personally this year and it has been appreciated! Each have stepped in to help when I have not been doing great. We have a great core team at #Gwenne and with the addition of Marianna and Ruby we continue to get better.❤

So guys - bring on the next decade and as always we will adapt, grow and continue to be the best we can be for you in #GwenneEdinburgh.

Each #gwennebride past, present and to come are appreciated! Thank YOU!

Gwenne x


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